Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stained Glass Box

Here is a stained glass box that I made with the help of my wife's grandma.  Working with glass is fun and relaxing.  I like the slight variations of red...ish...pink in the blue glass.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Charles Bargue and Gerome copy Drawing

So this is a horse head that I copied in pencil.  This is form the Charles Bargue and Gerome  Drawing course book.  Doing these drawings has trained my eyes to see better.  I was under the direction of Ryan Brown and Niki Covington.  Ryan has an art school called The Center for Academic Study & Naturalist Painting (CAS), in Springville, Utah.

More Italian Copy Drawings

Here are two more copy drawings I did from the Hallie Ford Museum of Art in Salem, Oregon.  I tried a new experiment.  The bottom sketches were done in front of the Italian drawing.  Then I would abandon my sketches and go to the next room where the upper image was done from memory.  I don't think they are as successful as the last ones.  I only had two hours of time, I wish I had all day.  The security guard kept eyeing me.  But.... he also provided me with a chair to accomplish my experiment.